Easter Sunday, the pinnacle moment of an occasion celebrated by so many, is just a few days away on Sunday the 9th


Known as Pascha in Latin and Greek (historically and currently), Easter is a massively popular holiday in the Christian religion and the broader non-Christian collective culture. It originates from the Jewish ritual of Passover.

The entire Easter week, which began on Palm Sunday and concludes on Resurrection Sunday, AKA the 9th, is a contemplative but hopeful time.

It’s a time of careful thought, conscientious planning and aspiring to extraordinary things throughout the rest of spring. A time to ask oneself: What should I do next? How can I be reborn as Jesus once was?

And if you’re thinking: I can’t! I don’t have the energy right now! I’m just focused on getting by! 

Guess what? It’s also the ONLY time when an Easter Energy Resurrection can be completed successfully using a particular stunning, one-of-a-kind raw morganite ring…

The Easter Energy Resurrection Ring, to be more specific.


I’m unsure if you know anything about morganite,        , but I’ll tell you now that it’s a beautiful and powerful member of the crystal family. The perfectly pale pink gemstone at the heart of the Resurrection Ring contains energies of:

  • Awareness 
  • Compassion
  • Healing
  • Innocence
  • Joy
  • Love
  • Promise

These energies come to a power peak on Sunday (since the Ring is intrinsically connected with the Holy Week of Easter), and what better timing could I ask for when they’re all energies that I know you need right now?

Easter reminds us we can rise again, even in the darkest moments. 

This is what it represents to so many people, both religious and non-religious. This is why it persists and continues as a mainstay in our culture – not chocolate eggs.

And sure,        , you’re not in your “darkest moment ever” right now. But you’re not at your brightest, either. And it’s time we did something about that.

The moment is right to provide you with an Easter Energy Resurrection Ring and aid you in completing the Resurrection. The moment is right for you to wash away the blues of the past and focus, instead, on what’s coming next.

The beautiful energies of this Ring will put you in a brand-new, totally reinvigorated headspace for the rest of spring. You’ll be resurrected from your stupor and flooded with light and energy, carried all the way through to summer.

It’s genuinely that simple.

And in case you’re wondering how the Resurrection and the Ring at the heart of the Resurrection process came to be…

Hundreds of years ago, a man and a woman lived together on the mountainside in a state of harmony, adoration and love. Though they spent time with many people in their daily lives, they only truly needed one another. Their tight-knit unit of two was life-giving, joy-preserving, and complete. 

Until the man got very, very sick.

Until, even when he got better, he struggled to bring back the light that had once burned bright at the heart of his soul. 

He was tired all the time. Cranky. Quickly exhausted and exasperated by minor things. And all of this wore on his partner as she bore more and more of the mental and physical load. 

On an Easter weekend almost a year after the man’s terrible sickness, things finally changed. The woman was out foraging for food when she stumbled across a cave entrance hidden in the mountain, obscured by overgrown vegetation.

When she crawled into the cave through the narrow entrance, she found an old man dressed in rags, hunched over a small fire that never seemed to burn out, forging some metal with rudimentary-looking tools but a clearly high level of expertise. Next to the man and the fire, around twelve gemstones of all shapes, shades and sizes lay scattered across a velvet cloth. 

“Hello,” she said tentatively.

“I’ve been expecting you,” he replied. No names were exchanged. “You come to me as I forge powerful artifacts, using the Easter energy peak as my source. You come to me with the need for a tool that might trigger a great resurrection of lost stamina, vigor and strength. And I have what you need. Wait a while. You will see.” All this, he said without looking up.

So, she did wait. She watched him forge the Easter Energy Resurrection Ring from start to finish, picking the pink morganite out from the assortment atop the velvet cloth without hesitation.

And then she listened carefully as he explained what her partner would need to do to complete an “Easter Energy Resurrection,” using the Ring as the centerpiece of the ritualistic process.

Finally, she went home with the Ring in hand and delivered a solution to her lover that repaired all that was wrong in their life. In no time at all, he was the man she knew once more. He had the strength to journey on. He had, in the spirit of Easter and all the transformation it represents, truly been reborn.

And        ? You could be, too.

Don’t let Easter Monday dawn on us without giving me your answer, or I fear you’ll soon regret that decision…

Hundreds of years have elapsed since this woman was given what she needed to heal her partner’s exhaustion and emotional flatness. Hundreds of years in which the Ring has done so much for the people who needed it.

Here’s my own experience,        : I’ve had the Ring in my possession for six years. 

Each Easter, I’ve offered its abilities to a person in deep need of renewal and energetic resurrection. Each Easter, it has worked impeccably, with its recipient’s experience described to me as nothing short of incredible. 

That brings us to today. To Easter 2023. To the simple fact known to me (and, I think, to you)you need that renewal and resurrection.

You long to be as bright and beautiful as the colors of spring and Easter. 

You don’t want to remain in your current washed-out state forever. 

Claim your EASTER ENERGY RESURRECTION RING by the end of Sunday, and let your sense of purpose and drive be brought entirely back to life by the completion of the Easter Energy Resurrection. 

Do this, and you’ll even receive a FREE additional gift from me in the form of your April-May Meditation Map.

Since Easter is such a contemplative time, and since I’ll be gifting you the vigor and energy you’ve been missing for a while, this is the perfect opportunity to help you develop a meditation practice and make mindfulness a habit.

Your April-May Meditation Map will tell you which questions you should meditate on each week during these months. I’ll base the questions on two things:

  1. My understanding of meditation at the expert level/knowledge of what has been emotionally helpful to others in the past.
  2. My divinatory research into your immediate future during the next two months and the things you’ll likely experience/go through/overcome.

Interested? Then you know what to do.

Your magical friend,

Ask For Your Easter Energy Resurrection Ring

+ FREE April-May Meditation Map