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I’m so lucky you picked up on my emotional state this Easter and vowed to fix my situation ASAP. I’d love to resurrect all of the energy, drive and vigor that I know has faded within me recently. I’d love to step confidently into the rest of spring.

Yes, I can see how this Easter Energy Resurrection completed using the Ring will get me back on track, end my current stupor, and genuinely refresh my soul. I agree with you!

And yes, that’s something I’ll chase and fight for this week! I trust your judgment in this situation and all others. I know that this choice feels right for me as well as you do.

I also really appreciate that you’re going to help me develop a meditation practice and become more mindful when I have that increased amount of energy to utilize.

I give you my full and wholehearted consent to send my Ring. I’ll follow your instructions to the letter to connect my soul to the beautiful energies of this morganite artifact. I’m committed to energizing myself and ending my stupor this Easter.

Please, Rose, send my Easter Energy Resurrection Ring (and its accompanying soul-bonding instructions) straight to my inbox as soon as you can.

Please also send my FREE gift (my April-May Meditation Map).

For all the hard work you’re about to do, I’ll happily pay you the very reasonable fee of .

Thanks to your 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, I know I won’t be taking any risks with my money.

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