I can’t tell you how delighted I was to receive your agreement. I actually shed a few tears, if I’m being completely honest.

Hello        ,

Too many people let these incredible chances pass them by and I’m so relieved you’re not one of them.

I’ve sent across your activated Fortune Reticulum. It holds the key to a happier and simpler life, filled with all the things you desire.

You’ll also find my precious Astral Aegis. It now belongs to you,        . All you need to do is read my simple instructions on how to use it.  

I often get questions about how I can transfer such power through the internet. But it’s funny,         – I actually find the process of translating my tools into digital emblems makes them even stronger. It’s as if the constant buzz of energy from the internet charges them with an extra boost of magnetism.

Technology can be a wonderful thing sometimes, can’t it?

I haven’t forgotten about your second free gift either,        . You’ll notice I’ve included your Lucky Cipher Chart here too, which will reveal your luckiest days and times. I’ll explain how to use this in just a moment.

You stand on the cusp of a wonderful new chapter,        . Life’s hardships have buried your talents and dreams under an avalanche of sadness. But today, we begin clearing a path forward. No matter how much you have suffered and struggled, today marks a new beginning as you take your first steps towards a brighter life.



It’s vital nobody else sees this precious amulet,        . You are one of the 13 chosen ones and it has been activated just for you. If anyone else sets their eyes upon it, the Fortune Reticulum’s powers will immediately start to degrade.

Take just five minutes now to activate this formidable tool. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Find a quiet time and place. Sit comfortably on the floor, a bed or a chair.
  • Display your Fortune Reticulum on the screen and say the following words:

“Today, I leave the past behind. I reach out to the cosmos with every inch of my body, mind and spirit. I am at one with the universe.”

  • Repeat these words three times, staring at the Fortune Reticulum the whole time.
  • Finally, close your eyes and visualize the glowing future you’re looking forward to. Let your mind fill with images of love, happiness and wealth.

I’d like you to repeat this action every week,        . Even after the five planets move out of their sacred alignment, it will keep your spirit and the universe fully in sync.

Congratulations! You’re now ready to enjoy the effects of one of the Ancient Occult Order’s most impressive talismans.




Here’s how to use this ancient shield:

  • Display your Astral Aegis on a screen and place it directly in your eyeline.
  • Take slow, deep breaths and focus on its image.

When you’re ready, say the following words:

“I call on this ancient shield

To repel all negative energy.

Keep me safe from harm

As I journey towards happiness.

Let no doubts enter my mind;

I am on destiny’s path

And every step takes me closer to glory.”

  • Place your hands on your solar plexus (mid-way between your heart and navel). Continue breathing deeply. In and out. That’s it,        .

When you’re ready, you can close your Astral Aegis and continue with your day. You can perform this ritual any time you like, but try and repeat it once every week. If possible, choose the same time and day.

You can also refresh the Astral Aegis’s protective powers if you’re going through a particularly worrying or stressful time.




Here are your Lucky Numbers, and the days and times when your luck will reach its peak.



Use these numbers during games of chance or to influence important meetings, like interviews and romantic encounters.  

Your Golden Number is:        

This number is the most powerful of all. You can use it on its own to invoke lucky energy or combine it with any of your other potent digits.

If you’re in doubt, always come back to the number        !

Your 10 updated Lucky Numbers:  


Again, these numbers will give you the best odds when you’re playing games of chance. Follow your instincts,         – you will know which ones have the power to trigger the right result.



These times are based on the alignment of the sun in your unique area.






 2nd hour after sunrise

 1st hour after sunset


 5th hour after sunrise

 11th hour after sunset


 1st hour after sunrise

 2nd hour after sunset


 7th hour after sunrise

 3rd hour after sunset


 11th hour after sunrise

 4th hour after sunset


 3rd hour after sunrise

 12th hour after sunset


 4th hour after sunrise

 7th hour after sunset

These times represent the peaks of your cosmic luck. I believe they will apply for at least the next six months.

Make sure you keep them in mind when travelling, signing important documents or arranging crucial meetings. Your connection to the astral energy of luck will be at its strongest, giving you the best chance of a stress free or successful experience.



I have mapped out the next six months for you,        , noting down when your luck will peak in each calendar month. I have also indicated which area of your life is going to be affected most, but the universe does work in mysterious ways…   



Area of Luck




 Games of Chance


 Close Connections










Games of Chance


 Personal Passions




 A Leap of Faith




Games of Chance








Close Connections




Close Connections


 General Luck




 Personal Passions



